A collage showing manufacturers performing various duties across different factories.

Discover a Path to Growth with Manufacture Nevada

We are committed to helping you succeed, not with a list of prescribed to-dos, but by getting to know your business intimately and sharing our deep understanding of modern manufacturing processes, business strategies and workforce management. We work shoulder-to-shoulder with you to determine a path to success and implement strategies that grow your business.

01 Step One

Connect with a Manufacturing Business Advisor

The first step is connecting with one of our advisors. Through a call or site visit, they will do a deep dive on your business, seeking to understand your processes, people, and problems to better lay a foundation for strategy.

 A manager shaking an employee’s hand after a successful performance review

02 Step Two

Scope of Work & Evaluation

Once we’ve established a list of possible projects, we will help you establish a plan of attack for your biggest problems and determine the desired result of our project together.

A Manufacturing Business Advisor discusses the scope of an upcoming project with the business owner.

03 Step Three

Implement for Success

Once planning is finished, we will help you implement solutions to reach the desired outcome. Through regular contact with project managers and our expert team of advisors we will track milestones and set you up for long-term success.

A Manufacturing Business Advisor helps train an employee on standards to improve safety on the factory floor.

04 Step Four

Project Evaluation & Continuous Improvement

The first thing we do at the end of a project is determine how successful our efforts have been. From there we can determine if it would be beneficial to start a new project, or employ additional resources to reach your desired outcomes.

We work to create an environment of continuous improvement so that the benefits of our partnership don’t disappear after our involvement has ended. Your continued success is the defining factor of a successful project with Manufacture Nevada.

An employee in the shipping department of a growing manufacturing operation smiles at the camera.

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Get in contact with a Manufacture Nevada representative to find
a path to growth for your business.

Trusted by Hundreds of Manufacturers Across Nevada

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Manufacturing plant
AIMS Power

AIMS turned to Manufacture Nevada, part of the MEP National Network™, to help AIMS offset development costs with federal tax credits. In the first 2 years of working with Manufacture Nevada, AIMS was able to find over $200,000 in tax credits, resulting in $200,000 increased cash flow the company can reinvest into new products.

Man in safety gear watching manufacturing process
Orbus Exhibit & Display

Orbus aims to be conscious of its environmental impact and strives to protect local air, land, and waterways with the proper recycling and disposal of materials. The organization looked to Manufacture Nevada, part of the MEP National Network™, to review its current environmental management system and suggest any areas for improvement.

Manufacturing process
Public Restroom Company

At the Public Restroom Company, they never stop thinking about better ways to design, build, and deliver their product. With significant growth realized and an even larger demand on the horizon, they knew they needed to apply their improvement mindset to all aspects of their business—including operational efficiencies and employee development—to successfully take their business to new levels. With a commitment to building better places to go, PRC requested the services of Manufacture Nevada, part of the MEP National Network™, to turn their vision into reality.

Manufacturing process
Vegas Metal Finishing

Upon opening their new facility, Vegas Metal Finishing realized that they would require assistance to promote their anodizing services especially to other manufactures in the state. Promoting this new business opportunity was complicated by the pandemic. With that in mind, the owner reached out to her trusted partner at Manufacture Nevada, part of the MEP National Network™, for assistance.

A person in safety gear watching a process
Reno Cerakote

Reno Cerakote wanted to reinforce their commitment to quality while expanding to new markets and investing in personnel development. Reno Cerakote approached Manufacture Nevada, part of the MEP National Network™, for assistance with achieving ISO 9001-2015 due to Manufacture Nevada’s extremely good track record for successfully transitioning Nevada manufacturers to ISO certification.

A hard hat in front of a factory
Sierra Nevada Corp

One SNC division in Sparks, NV produces Ruggedized Handheld Computers (RHC) for military personnel. As they continue to ramp up production of the RHC units, improvements in material flow, operator takt times, part presentation and part quality were needed to meet customer demand. Components were batched at each assembly table and the throughput was not being optimized. Also, quality issues were aggravated by large quantities of components being produced at each cell. Component failures and design issues were often ignored for weeks or months due to all-out effort to build as many units as possible to yield enough good units to make shipments.

two manufacturers talk near a machine
WMS Gaming

The FOCUS classes, hosted by Manufacture Nevada, gave WMS the ability to put the knowledge they gained into action to create an energy project for its facilities. The proposed solution was the installation of an energy management system (EMS). This would precisely control the lighting use and reduce the waste inherent in their current lighting practices. The EMS will make use of occupancy sensors, photo sensors, and computer-controlled lighting management to help the company realize substantial energy and cost savings.

sparks flying from a machine cutting metal
VSR Industries

Manufacture Nevada’s access to the top manufacturing experts allowed VSR Industries to diagnose their lean manufacturing needs and create unique solutions. In a state with limited manufacturing resources, VSR Industries relied on Manufacture Nevada to help them compete in an increasingly globally competitive manufacturing marketplace.

an empty factory floor
Vitamix Lean DC

The main objective for Vitamix in 2014 was to educate their employees on Lean principles and to implement foundational elements of their VLE system. The first step involved sending all of the Reno DC employees to Lean 101 workshops. Throughout Vitamix, more than 600 employees have been educated with this eight hour, learn-do style workshop. The class exposed their employees to fundamental Lean concepts, galvanized a common Lean language, aligned them around the continuous improvement objective, and clarified reasons why Vitamix is committed to this Lean transformation. The foundational elements that were implemented included: Management for Daily Improvement (MDI) management system comprised of daily standup meetings, metric boards, and leader standard work; visual management throughout the DC; and 6S workplace organization. Throughout the implementation, our Project Manager from Manufacture Nevada acted as the technical liaison between the Reno DC and the Lean Department in Cleveland. She supported the implementation through weekly visits to the DC to ensure the systems were being sustained, coaching the employees, and facilitating 6S kaizen events.

an empty textile factory floor
Too Cute Totes

The goal of this project was to reduce the turnaround time for product delivery and to reduce product waste by streamlining the production process. This involved a plant floor redesign of her production line. Another finding, as this process evolved, was the need for additional equipment and inventory to keep up with the increased unit turnaround. Furthermore, we determined the need to provide better resource tools for the sales representatives as well as enhancements to the web site to reflect these changes in operation.

Worker machining a part
U.S. Ordnance

To assist USO, Manufacture Nevada introduced the USDA REAP audit and grant program designed to incentivize rural manufacturers to consider upgrades for energy efficiency. Manufacture Nevada also educated USO on the energy incentives provided by NV Energy (Nevada’s power utility).Manufacture Nevada brought in a Certified Energy Manager, to perform an ASHRAE Level 2 audit on the production facility. The audit was partially funded by a grant awarded to Manufacture Nevada to offset 75% of the audit cost. With the audit complete, U.S. Ordnance was eligible to submit applications to the USDA and NV Energy for grants and incentives toward the implementation of the energy efficient projects. This was a competitive process in which only the most justified energy saving projects were awarded.

two manufacturers talk near a machine
Shelby American

Manufacture Nevada provided a full team effort utilizing our energy experts and a local electrical contractor. With Manufacture Nevada acting as Project Manager we developed a solution that was nothing short of incredible. After initial discussions between Shelby and the facility owner, it was agreed that they would partner on the project, and each would pay for half the upgrade and refit costs at the facility. Acting as Project Manager, Manufacture Nevada contracted with our energy specialist to conduct a thorough energy audit and delivery system evaluation as soon as possible. Upon the determination that the Shelby Facility was in major need of a LED lighting upgrade and a major rework of the lighting control system for the entire facility, the client solicited bids from qualified local electrical contractors to perform the upgrades.

Worker machining a part
PR Diamond Products

When Manufacture Nevada, part of the MEP National Network, offered the ExporTech™ program in early 2016, PR Diamond was one of the first clients to sign up. Conversations with Manufacture Nevada’s Deputy Director made it clear that ExporTech™ was the right solution.

an empty factory floor
Sable Systems International

Sable Systems International is a four-time attendee of Manufacture Nevada’s ExporTech program and uses the process to develop a new market every year. Export experts train new employees in the complexities of paperwork, their experienced export coach provides support and the paid UNLV intern’s market research is up-to-the-minute accurate.

a food manufacturing conveyor belt with product on it
Popcorn Girl

Manufacture Nevada’s understanding of the international marketplace and food-product marketing helped provide the kinds of experience-based, decisive information the founders needed to close their immediate opportunity and maximize the success of their potential partnership with a Middle Eastern investor/franchisee. Popcorn Girl Las Vegas’s goal was to close the deal and maximize the cash flow while implementing a successful franchise operation in the Middle East.

sparks flying from a machine cutting metal

Manufacture Nevada helped MicroMetl cellularize the manufacturing process into a lean manufacturing model. The heating and air conditioning part that used to travel 1.5 miles during assembly was soon assembled within an area of 100 feet. The improved efficiency and communication allowed MicroMetl to reduce indirect labor costs by 21 percent, reduce prices and increase market share. Manufacture Nevada also helped MicroMetl secure state grant funding to pay for training and consultation programs to implement lean manufacturing processes.

two manufacturers talk near a machine
Lincoln Electric Cutting Systems

Manufacture Nevada introduced a lean and cellular manufacturing model to Aerovault that allowed the company to work on multiple trailers simultaneously. The new process more than doubled Aerovault’s productivity.

an empty factory floor
Orbus Exhibit and Display

Manufacture Nevada met with Orbus Exhibit and Display to discuss their needs. Their headquarters in Illinois had started their lean venture and the Nevada operation needed assistance with implementing the same lean concepts. Manufacture Nevada started with an assessment of the Nevada manufacturing operations and an analysis of the lean processes the Illinois plant had put in place. Manufacture Nevada provided lean training to key supervisors and then coached their implementation of Value Stream Mapping and 5S. Manufacture Nevada worked with Orbus’ schedule and implemented lean in short sessions over several months with very minimal disruption to Orbus’ schedule.

an empty textile factory floor
North Sails Minden

Manufacture Nevada local project managers conducted onsite facility assessments, reviewed manufacturing steps and concerns, and worked with North’s Operations Manager, Plant Manager and Human Resources Manager. Together they designed Lean workshops to incorporate North’s existing process and flow and encourage employee participation and idea generation for improvements. They conducted an onsite Lean workshop as an employee introduction and stimulus to lean improvement methodologies, to be followed by a more detailed session with North hosting a week long Lean Leader workshop involving key lead personnel and to delve deeper into more lean concepts and principles. They finished with an onsite workplace Kaizen improvement event and implementation in their production facility involving the manufacturing leads along with production line personnel.

Worker machining a part
K2 Energy Solutions

Manufacture Nevada visited with K2 Energy Solutions Inc. to discuss their needs. After an assessment of their manufacturing operations, it was determined that lean manufacturing principles would help some of their manufacturing issues. Manufacture Nevada provided K2 Energy Solutions Inc. with lean manufacturing training for manufacturing personnel.

a food manufacturing conveyor belt with product on it
Life Enhancement

Manufacture Nevada’s Project Manager, who has worked in the Industrial Food Manufacturing, Supplemental and Nutraceutical arenas for over 35 years, was able to reach into his extensive network of contacts and locate a highly reputable and well-experienced resource in the food, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries to fulfill the needs of Life Enhancement and at the price and budget that would not make a negative impact on their finances. The resource spent a full day on site providing advanced training, reviews, updates, methodology and recommendations in GMP’s, FDA Regulation Compliance, Process Validations, Stability Studies, Discrepancy Management and CAPA(Corrective Action-Preventative Action), SOP’s, Environmental Monitoring, Raw Material Quality, FDA Warning Letters, Machine Identification, and upcoming FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act).

an empty factory floor

Manufacture Nevada recommended that Hylunia participate in its three-month-long ExporTech program to ensure that they were on target to export their skin care products to the most lucrative international markets. Through the program, Manufacture Nevada introduced Hylunia to the U.S. Commercial Service and District Export Council in Las Vegas. It also assigned Hylunia a coach, project manager and an intern from University of Nevada-Las Vegas College of Business to assist the company in preparing their actionable export plan. Hylunia had tremendous results and increased their sales. The company considers its newly-formed yet ongoing relationship with the U.S. Commercial Service an added benefit.

sparks flying from a machine cutting metal
Jensen Metaltech

Rapid growth at the company led to the creation of a workforce that was experiencing high turnover. There was also a significant increase in rework, related to a combination of the turnover and weak control on manufacturing drawings. Additionally, 15% of the workforce had English as a second language. With supervisors receiving only limited basic supervision training from the Nevada Association of Employers and the rest of the workforce receiving no soft skills training at all, action had to be taken to improve retention and reduce rework costs. Jensen decided that by combining the teamwork elements of implementing a company wide 5S (sort, set in order, shine, standardize, sustain) initiative along with integrating supervisory and coaching skills, improvements could be made in both rework reduction and workforce improvements.

an empty factory floor
FDC Graphic Films, Inc.

Manufacture Nevada proposed 3 different options to deliver 5S tools to FDC. Consultants proposed a customized workshop with a session for each S. Ultimately the team decided that an in-house 5S workshop and implementation for the entire FDC organization would be the best way to start this program. Providing a custom 5S program designed around the Reno operation provided an optimized approach for the facility. Manufacture Nevada designed a very flexible project to allow the least disruption to the operations while providing 5S tools to the entire organization. Fibelstad wanted to ensure that the duration of each workshop would allow safe shutdown of the operation without the risk for service failures. Leadership at FDC headquarters in Indiana was very impressed with the program planned for the Reno operation.

two manufacturers talk near a machine
GE Engine Services

Manufacture Nevada’s industrial experience and strong partnerships with state and local entities proved invaluable in solving GE’s concerns. Manufacture Nevada worked with local authorities and the Plant Manager, Anup Kolatkar, to work through difficult applications for the incentives for their expansion Manufacture Nevada was successful in providing and sourcing training funds from Train Employees Now through the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance and the Governor’s Office of Economic Development.

Worker machining a part
Digital Solid State Propulsion Inc.

Manufacture Nevada worked with Digital Solid State Propulsion to select the consultant that best fit with their quality objectives. Together, they interviewed four consultants and used a matrix with various criteria for consultant selection. Digital Solid State Propulsion chose Eileen Webb, with Streamline Consulting, to guide them through the certification process.Over a 9-month period, Eileen worked with and coached Digital Solid State Propulsion on the implementation of their quality management system. This included selecting a platform for document storage, writing policy and procedures, facility cleanliness and organization, participating in management review sessions, and streamlining processes for quality assurance and efficiency.

an empty factory floor
Continuum Packing Solutions, LLC

Manufacture Nevada addressed the needs of both the client and their customer and through their understanding and knowledge of the processes for licensing in the local region and the proper steps needed for approval they were able to expedite the paperwork, and essentially hand walk the process to its completion and issuance of the required documents.

two manufacturers talk near a machine
Emhiser Research

Manufacturing extension agents from Manufacture Nevada worked with Emhiser Research to guide the company through the ISO 9001 recertification process. First, they performed an initial gap analysis to determine the scope of the project. Next, Manufacture Nevada developed a plan to fit with the culture and needs of the company that included participating in monthly quality audits, facilitating corrective actions, and partaking in management review sessions. This approach provided Emhiser with a hands-on mentor to ensure the successful implementation of a quality management system with less risk and greater efficiency.

a food manufacturing conveyor belt with product on it

Cultiva’s CEO Luis Hernandez requested assistance in locating an experienced financial & manufacturing consultant who could set up a new accounting system for the firm. Luis also required new financial reporting and sales forecasting tools. Manufacture Nevada was able to quickly locate a consultant who fit the bill-- Dan Yount. Dan possessed many years of experience in business finance management and operational leadership. In addition, Dan had also designed financial accounting and budget management systems for several other manufacturing firms.

an empty factory floor
Chemeon Surface Technology, LLC,

Chemeon had earlier been identified by Manufacture Nevada, part of the MEP National Network™, as a potential candidate with energy improvement needs from client outreach conducted as an application requirement for an available USDA energy grant Manufacture Nevada applied for and was awarded. The Rural Energy for American Program (REAP) is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and benefits those companies in USDA rural designated locations (most of Nevada) and defined as small companies (fewer than 500 employees).

an empty textile factory floor
Buttsup Duck Design

Manufacture Nevada provided Buttsup Duck Design with business plan support, a full business assessment and help with the acquisition of funding. The support gave Buttsup Duck Design a clear relocation plan and growth strategy.

Worker machining a part
Bureau Veritas Minerals

Manufacture Nevada worked with Bureau Veritas Minerals (BVM) to determine the appropriate approach and resources for 5S implementation. A GAP analysis was performed to determine the scope of the project, after which, Manufacture Nevada presented multiple resources that could assist BVM. Bureau Veritas Minerals chose Creating Effective Organizations, Inc. (CEO) to be part of their team. CEO facilitated 5S workshops for all employees, participated in weekly GEMBA walks and led impact and opportunity review sessions. Cross functional teams received classroom training followed by practical application of each 5S principle. This approach allowed Bureau Veritas Minerals to interact with a hands-on mentor to guide them through the culture change and successful implementation of a 5S system with the ultimate goal of reducing turn-around time and improving process efficiency while maintaining quality.

sparks flying from a machine cutting metal
American AVK Company

Manufacture Nevada brought in a leadership development coach to implement a six-month program for the AVK Production Supervisor team. The coach held individual and small group coaching conversations on the shop floor during production operations, allowing supervisors to remain “on the job.” Manufacture Nevada engaged upper management in the development of the participants and used real-time company situations as training opportunities. Participants met with the coach in bimonthly sessions to learn and implement key leadership principles.

Worker machining a part

Manufacture Nevada introduced a lean and cellular manufacturing model to Aerovault that allowed the company to work on multiple trailers simultaneously. The new process more than doubled Aerovault’s productivity.

an empty factory floor

Manufacture Nevada met with Air-Care to discuss their needs. After an assessment of the manufacturing operations, Manufacture Nevada provided Lean, 5S, and Quick Changeover (SMED) training to key supervisors and line staff. The implementation phase consisted of coaching on the principles. Manufacture Nevada worked with Air-Care’s schedule and implemented lean in short visits over 3 months with very minimal disruption to their schedule.

two manufacturers talk near a machine
Alpha Productions Technologies Inc.

Manufacture Nevada came in and helped Alpha in completing the corrective actions for the minor nonconformances received from the initial phase 1 audit of their newly implemented ISO 9001:2015. They formalized the management review process, provided risk management tools and performed an internal audit. Additionally, Manufacture Nevada trained Alpha's staff members on effective techniques for performing future internal audits. This prepared Alpha for the upcoming phase 2 audit.

an empty factory floor
Absurd Marinade

Alan had a great recipe for a marinade and did not have the resources to do the actual manufacturing, entry into the industry was the initial problem to be resolved. As a result of his contact with Manufacture Nevada, Alan began negotiations with the local food and beverage manufacturer utilizing the guidance of his Manufacture Nevada rep. The relationship with the contract manufacturer has evolved into a multi-product engagement.